My Food and Bev Training

Why You Should Care About Quality Training for Your Team

Written by The My Food and Bev Training Team | 8/28/19 4:27 PM

What’s the Big Deal About Training?

There’s a lot of talk about how training employees is a no-brainer. But what if it’s not mandatory? Do we even need to worry about it?  YES. Industry and Regulatory compliant training (such as safe food handling and responsible beverage sales) will protect both your business and the public you serve.

  A quality employee training program is essential, and an expert training provider is a MUST HAVE.

What does Quality Training Look Like?

  1. Understandable & Easy to Use - Employees need a training program that is clear, concise, relevant, and engaging. If it’s not interesting, they’re not going to pay attention. Mobility, (can I take my training on my phone, on break?) accessibility, (can I access my certificate when I need to?) as well as good Instructional Design (the way the training is set up to be understood), and functionality (always being able to log in!) are key indicators of a quality training program.
  2. Regulatory & Compliance Expertise - Your training provider needs to be the EXPERT on your state’s laws, rules, and regulations for training. These can change so fast you can be in compliance one day, and the next day literally be breaking the law.  Your provider needs to be AHEAD of the industry and regulatory changes, partnering with state regulatory bodies to make sure your business never falls through the cracks.  
  3. Recordkeeping and Reporting - Big part of Regulatory Expertise. If training is mandated by the state and training hours and completions are not reported properly, this could mean you’re out of compliance! Your training provider needs a fail-safe recordkeeping and reporting system - and the ability to report back to YOU on who’s good-to-go, who’s going to need to renew soon, and who’s training has expired.
  4. Accurate Final Exams - Managers need to be able to SEE how their employees are doing. Assessments - especially final exams! - should accurately score your employees’ knowledge and comprehension - does it actually measure what the employee is supposed to know? What are your passing rates?  Passing rates on final exams are a great indicator on how well your training program is teaching your employees, and how qualified they are to work.
  5. Certificate Accessibility - When the health department or local undercover law enforcement come calling - surprise! - you’ll need to be able to provide proof of employees’ training and their ability to work.  If you’re tired of that old filing cabinet in the store room for keeping copies of certificates and other training records, or frantically scrolling through your inbox for e-mailed copies of certs, you and your managers want to have easy-access to your employees’ records.  If you own or operate multiple locations, those records should be sortable and viewable for any location, anytime.
  6. Total Cost of Training -  This is a biggie.  When you factor in employee training time, time away from duties, extra fill-in coverage for the trainee, testing and travel - your method of training could be shrinking your profits.  All that time costs money! Make sure you have a provider who can deliver compliant training to your team in the most cost-effective way. 

What are the Benefits of Quality Training?

  1. Risk Management - Training is a powerful tool in your “risk management tool-kit”.  Even if it’s not mandatory, many companies require training to stay safe while handling food and selling or serving alcohol. 
  2. Regulatory Compliance - You know by now if your establishment isn’t compliant, you’ll be out of business soon!  Pick a training provider who partners with your state’s regulatory agencies to provide over-the-top service to you. 
  3. Decreased Liability - in the event of an incident, if a quality training program can be proven, your business (and individual employees) can mitigate liability.
  4. Decreased Employee Turnover - When employees aren’t trained, they can feel undervalued and disposable.  In an article by Fast Company on millennials in the workplace - only 28% feel that their company is taking full advantage of their skills. Quality training helps identify, measure, and plan for those skills.
  5. Increased Employee Satisfaction - Gallup has measured that as of 2017 only  a meager 32% of U.S. employees are actually feel engaged at work. Increased employee motivation and performance are enhanced by proper training.
  6. Profits - When you have a happy, knowledgeable, well-trained team, your business will thrive and your customers will want to come back.  Self-explanatory!


Let’s face it - training can be another boring box to check on your compliance checklist.  But not when you have a quality training program. It can literally transform your business and make it a legally compliant, safe, and happy place to make money!

Click here to download our eBook “Challenges & Opportunities: Regulatory Compliance Training in the Food & Beverage Industry” to deepen your knowledge about the array of risks, challenges, and consequences - and let us help you create training, tools, and an action plan to mitigate any danger to your business!
